Özge Cevher Yüksel – Hand of Time

Guest: Özge Cevher Yüksel
Title of The Work: Hand of Time
Original Title: Zamanın Eli
Genre: Prose Writing

“Time has touched us, we have already changed…”
How well Müslüm Baba said it…
He added in support of Heraclitus who said that the only thing that doesn’t change is change.

But what if change itself is an illusion?

When we are in the ring of transformation, not change,

Like a DNA helix going through the same places, “Do you understand now? Can you act differently now?” If it’s just the external conditions that change…

I’m talking about the allegory that even though people and places and events seem to change, the experience and the effect it has on you is the same.

Your relationship cycles, your work cycles, your stories that repeat in your life.

Haven’t you ever heard yourself say at the end of the day, “Am I back where I started?

So where exactly are we changing?

In the spiral you entered this time, where you said, “Another way, another choice is possible!

By putting a space between the sequential thoughts of your mind that lives life on autopilot.

Slowing down for a moment when you are always complaining about not being able to express, maybe shouting out the anger, pain, sadness or love inside!

With the relationships you are afraid of losing, with the people you are afraid of abandoning, to pour out the source inside of you with them.

By making peace with your vicious cycles that you think you have changed or are trying to change.

By stopping and maybe just feeling for a moment,

By staying there,

And maybe this time by expressing what you feel, by expressing what you need.

This time by saying what you want instead of what you don’t want as you start a new day.

To be the one who chooses change instead of wishing for change.

“How do you know your life won’t be better than up and down?”

By listening to Shams and not moving the actions above your life to below, you can begin the real change.

The only thing that doesn’t change is you, beyond your thoughts, feelings and actions!

Then let’s sing it together;

Let the hand of time touch our hearts,

May we all be transformed already…

I am a traveller and a player who embodies in the world and presents somatic work as a way of expression in an art container. I offer experiences on how we can add this state of play to every moment of life. Under the roof of Yin-Play, I share yoga and art tools to serve this experience.