William Shakespeare – Macbeth, Published by Can Publishing

With Macbeth, a character distinguished from his previous villains by his conscience, William Shakespeare tells the timeless story of political power and its destructive effects.

Obsessively believing in the prophecies of three strange sisters he meets in a meadow, Macbeth is consumed by a dark lust for power. This ambition, fueled by his wife’s morbid provocations, leads Macbeth to do things he could never have imagined in his worst nightmares. As the new king and queen become increasingly paranoid, haunted by the memory of their dark past, the price of power increases every day. Strangely, compared to Shakespeare’s other villains, Macbeth seems to regret and fear his actions at every moment.

Macbeth, thought to have been written by Shakespeare in 1606, is the shortest but most striking of his tragedies. Unlike his other plays, Shakespeare focuses more on two characters, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, and focuses on the concepts of power ambition, manipulation, greed, morality, good and evil.

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564. He was the third and eldest surviving child in a family of eight children. Although there is no evidence, it is thought that he studied at Kings New School in Stratford. Here, as in all schools of the period in England, he studied mainly Latin. Until his works began to be widely performed on London theater stages in 1592, his activities were only rumored, and biographers have referred to these years as the “lost years” of the playwright. Although the date when he began writing is unknown, he began his career with comedies and historical plays, then concentrated on tragedies until 1608. He wrote Hamlet, King Lear, Othello and Macbeth, considered among the best works of English literature, during this period. Together with some collaborative works, he left 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long stories and poems. He produced most of these works between 1589-1613. The author, who was also an actor, was the owner of the theater company called Lord Chamberlain’s Men in London. At the end of the 16th century, he was at the pinnacle of culture and art, but it was not until the 19th century that he became known worldwide. Shakespeare ended his career in 1613 and died three years later, aged 52.

ZEYNEP AVCI was born in 1947. She studied Administrative Sciences at METU and Sociology at IU. Between 1966 and 1975, she worked for Cumhuriyet, Yeni İstanbul, Hürriyet, Kelebek, Milliyet newspapers and Sipa Press agency. Avcı is the author of the short story collections Kötü Bir Yaratık (1983), Ahşap Köşkün Hanımendisi (The Lady of the Wooden Mansion) (1986), Aşk Meleğinin İşleri (The Affairs of the Angel of Love) (1998), and a book of essays titled Sayfalar Bir Kadının Güncesinden Sayfalar (Pages from a Woman’s Diary) (1989), and her translation of the play Abelard and Heloise was awarded the Avni Dilligil Best Translation Award.


Book Title: Macbeth
Author: William Shakespeare
Translation: Zeynep Avcı
Publisher: Can Publishing
Series: Classic
Genre: Game
Page Count: 144

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