Traditions or Loved Ones?: A Regular Woman (2019)

Some of you may remember the incident or have seen it in the media. Aynur, a young woman shot by her brother in the street. Aynur’s story meets the audience in 2009 with the title “An Ordinary Woman”. The movie is a great work that tells Aynur’s story in a documentary style with real images in some places. Director Sherry Hormann shows the audience her journey of finding herself step by step with a grave death. Devamını Oku…

That Village is Our Village: Deli Deli Olma (2009)

“There is a village far away, whether we go there or not. That village is our village…”

Perhaps one of the most beautiful words to describe this film. Some films do not give the audience plenty of action, plenty of comedy, plenty of sadness or a pinch of fear, a pinch of intrigue. Some films take the audience into a tiny world built by big hearts on a white screen and make them feel their missing parts. This film is such a film. Just like Cemal Süreya’s poem about Kars, which he wrote after feeling as if he was there without having seen it, Deli Deli Olma is a film that can take you to Kars and the East without having been there. If you have any doubts about “don’t get me out of my warm bed and take me to cold Kars”, don’t be afraid. Because this film is the kind of film that may even cause you to remove the quilt you have covered yourself with because of the warmth you feel… Devamını Oku…