Özge Cevher Yüksel – For The Power of Letting Go…

Guest: Özge Cevher Yüksel
Title of The Work: For The Power of Letting Go…
Original Title: Bırakabilmenin Gücü Adına…
Genre: Prose Writing

What are you holding on to?

To what?

To whom?

What makes you shine?

A good person, helpful, open-hearted.

Or the forms that take your light?

“He’s never on time anyway. He’s lazy. He never keeps his word!” Devamını Oku…

Mustafa Deniz Serter – The Rooster’s Sin

Guest: Mustafa Deniz Serter
Title of The Work: The Rooster’s Sin
Original Title: Horozun Günahı
Genre: Story

The square of the village, which had been taken captive by the August heat, was groaning with the joyful laughter of the children. Drenched in sweat, the children pulled the taut strings held tightly in their tiny hands with all their strength, then let them go, and the kites soaring in the air danced in the cloudless blue sky. Devamını Oku…

Melek Şen – A Timeless Place

Guest: Melek Şen
Title of The Work: A Timeless Place
Original Title: Zamansız Bir Yer
Genre: Poetry

In another universe, I’d like to know you.
In that garden where lemon trees take root,
I’d like to live you.

When the swallows migrate,
We knew that winter would turn to spring.
When the leaves turn yellow and fall,
We knew that autumn would turn to winter.
That the whole cycle of time would disappear
In that place where we kissed each other
I’d like to live you.

Our feet free, our hands together
The one where we rise from the ground to the sky,
I’d like to live you in a universe.

Oğuz Tutal – Systems Die as Well as Ideas

Guest: Oğuz Tutal
Title of The Work: Systems Die as Well as Ideas
Original Title: Düşüncelerin Yanısıra Sistemler de Ölürler
Genre: Prose Writing

In addition to people, animals and ideas, systems also die. Then new ones come along and fill the void left by the previous one. When someone or something kills someone or something, the blame tends to fall on the weakest and easiest to bite. It is easier to blame a politician, a terrorist, a disease, a weapon. However, the truths that are known to everyone, but not spoken by anyone, are kept secret like a secret, and it is hesitated to talk about them in public. One of these truths is that systems are the most deadly, fragile and threatening instruments. Devamını Oku…