Metin Abay – Faith…

Guest: Metin Abay
Title of The Work: Faith…
Original Title: İnanç…
Genre: Prose Writing

To believe…

This is not a religious message…

From past to present, experienced, felt, supernatural events, etc. Whatever you call it, faith, hope, karma, energy, this is a constant state of expectation that tires a person’s mind and self. You start asking yourself…

Who the hell am I?

Who are you?

What the hell are we? you say…

Your process becomes meaningless; You question, question, question, what is the result?

-Can you come to a conclusion?

-Did you make it?

Maybe yes, maybe no, but what difference does it make? What benefits do questions have other than driving people crazy? No matter what you believe in, life already offers you its beauties. Cow, Sun, God whatever you believe in. While making you feel like you are there and helpful. Isn’t wanting more selfish and spoiled?

If there is a supernatural power, and if you believe in it, isn’t it the best to live according to it and feel it in the real sense?

You cannot always see the opportunities that life offers you at every moment. Maybe you’ll miss it, maybe it’ll come later than you expect, but it will come. What’s yours is yours. If you really wait and be patient, you will win…

-Did you win?…

This is true no matter what you believe.

Neither dwell on the past and be sad, nor look at the future and worry, live in the moment because you are in this “moment”. You didn’t die in the past, you can’t see the future. You are here, you are in this moment, stay, stay so that it can get in order, get back to normal. You can quit everything you say you can’t quit, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, whatever you say. You can start anything you thought you couldn’t start.

-Did you start?…

One step, just take one step…

-Did you throw?

Is there such a thing as reaching a dream or a goal? Let’s pray that we get what we want. Let’s send positive messages to the universe and let’s get what we want. I bought a 777 and accepted it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not making fun of your beliefs. All I want is for you to control it. “Yourself…”

-It happened. It happened, but you continued to ask without digesting what happened, we did.

It’s not hard to live, it’s really not hard, it’s our minds that are hard, we make our lives worse by making shit out of everything and then we say why am I like this? You don’t treat yourself well and you hold yourself accountable?

-Dont ask…


“What could be more serious than living where there is death?”

After acting in various TV series, movies and theater plays, he started writing essays by letting himself go with the flow of time, three points... Everyone's path is different, the goal to be achieved is the same. When you reach it, I will be waiting for you there. I hope you will read my stories from this flow and find me while reading...