Kingsley Amis – Değişim, Published by Can Yayınları

Winner of the John W. Campbell Award for best science fiction in 1976, and often cited alongside Philip K. Dick’s Yüksek Şato’daki Adam, Değişim is a striking novel about how religious dogmatism affects people’s lives individually and socially.

Hubert believed everything he was told, but he was not told the most important part of what would happen, the way the world would view him when he became a grown man years later. There didn’t seem to be a single word that could describe that part of it: It was like living in a country you knew nothing about except its geographical location.

The year was 1976, in an England where Prince Arthur had never died, where Henry VII had never ascended the throne, where the Reformation, Protestantism and the Industrial Revolution had never happened. Many scientific discoveries have not yet been made, motor vehicles are a new invention. The Papacy rules this world devoid of democracy and science. King Stephen III has recently died. Ten-year-old Hubert Anvil, the choir’s talented soprano, once again mesmerises everyone with his performance during the funeral mass. But the pope and the clergy, keen to preserve the arts to emphasise the glory of God, have plans to protect the beauty of Hubert’s voice.


“One of the best alternate world novels available.”

Philip K. Dick


KINGSLEY AMIS was born in London on 16 April 1922, the only child of his parents. He was educated at the City of London School and St John’s College, Oxford, but his education was interrupted by his service as a lieutenant during the Second World War. From 1949 to 1961 he lectured at universities in Wales, England and the USA. In 1954, with his first novel, Talihli Jim, he not only created a comic figure who became a household word in Great Britain, but also established himself as the voice of British middle-class intellectuals. With his clear, lucid style and satirical humour, he wrote more than twenty novels, six volumes of poetry, various short stories and literary criticism. He was honoured with many awards, including the Booker Prize. He was knighted in 1990. He died in London in 1995.

PÜREN ÖZGÖREN was born in Adana in 1957. After completing his education at the Austrian High School, he studied at the University of Miami. He translated the works of authors such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Doris Lessing, D.H. Lawrence, Roald Dahl, Patricia Highsmith, Yukio Mishima, Henry Miller, Lawrence Durrell, Ernest Hemingway, Toni Morrison, Susan Sontag, Khaled Hosseini, Janet Wallach, Roman Polanski, Truman Capote.



Book Title: Değişim
Author: Kingsley Amis
Translation: Püren Özgören
Publisher: Can Yayınları
Array: Modern
Genre: Novel
Page Count: 264

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