Iletişim Yayınları 9 February 2024 Publication Program

Iletişim Yayınları (Publications) announced the books to be published on February 9, 2024.

Arlekenlere Bak! (World Literature, 240 Pages)
Vladimir Nabokov
Emrah Serdan (Translator)

Iletişim Yayınları continues to publish the works of Vladimir Nabokov with Look at the Arlekenlere! In this novel, translated into Turkish for the first time, Nabokov again skillfully displays his unique literary world.

“During this outing, or perhaps later, but certainly in the same region, a sudden storm swept away all the splendor of that July day. Our shirts, shorts and moccasins were wiped away in the dull fog. The first hailstones hit a tin can, the next hit the word. We took shelter in a hollow under a rock outcropping. Thunderstorms are agony for me. Their blinding pressure destroys me, their lightning pierces my brain and chest. Bel knew this; she snuggled into my bosom (for my comfort, not hers!) and placed a tiny kiss on my temple at every thunderstorm, as if to say, look, it’s over, you’re safe.”


“Vadim, the main character of Look at the Arleken!, constructs a unique world that interweaves the details of Nabokov’s real life with the story of his literary style.”

“Look at the Arleken!!! is a rare novel in that it focuses on time and place in a specific and stylized way.”

İbn Haldun – Metodu ve Siyaset Teorisi (Research-Review, 416 Pages)
Ümit Hassan

Ümit Hassan’s İbn Haldun – Metodu ve Siyaset Teorisi (Ibn Khaldun’s Method and Political Theory) is published by İletişim Yayınları. In this book, Hassan analyzes Ibn Khaldun’s Muqaddimah, one of the great thinkers of the 14th century, in terms of the ancient history of the formation of the state, domination and classes.

Ibn Khaldun is a thinker who is claimed to be one of the pioneers of modern sociology, historiography and even economics in the 14th century, and who is “equated” with Machiavelli in state and political theory. Umit Hassan’s distillation of Ibn Khaldun’s great classic Muqaddimah is also a classic in contemporary literature.

Hassan critically analyzes the Muqaddimah and its key concepts, the hadari-settler-bedouin contradiction, and asabiyya, the bond of social unity, in his delightful style. He makes the book an occasion for a holistic discussion of social theory. He discusses the Muqaddimah mainly in terms of the ancient history of the formation of the state, domination and classes. While looking at the cycle of corruption of states, we are also watching the historical institutionalization of oppression.

“Since Ibn Khaldun’s theoretical realization of the theoretical position that kahr-tagallub gives rise to judgment and that the property-state exists through judgment, especially in the 20th century, the thinker has always been misrepresented -as we briefly reminded above- as a theoretician of cyclical progress, or as an organismist theoretician, and of course, in the darkest form, as a cyclicalist and an organismist.”

“The book emphasizes Ibn Khaldun’s original methodology and his contributions to political science, but at the same time it opposes the formation of a cult of Ibn Khaldun, refusing to see the 14th century thinker as the source and horizon of social sciences, philosophy and critical thought.”

Feminist Mercekten Güzide Bir Arayış – Kadın Birliği’nin Kurucularından Şair ve Yazar Güzide Osman(Research-Review, 212 Pages)
Zeynep Tek

Feminist Mercekten Güzide Bir Arayış – Kadın Birliği’nin Kurucularından Şair ve Yazar Güzide Osman (A Beautiful Quest through a Feminist Lens – Poet and Writer Güzide Osman, One of the Founders of the Women’s Union) written by Zeynep Tek, is published by İletişim Yayınları. In her study, Tekin pursues the question of who Güzide Osman was, who was among the names targeted by anti-feminist literature due to her feminist activities and literary production.

Güzide Osman, one of the literary figures of the late Ottoman and early Republican periods, has been targeted by anti-feminist literature for her feminist activities and literary production. Zeynep Tek’s accidental touching of a book signed by Nezihe Muhittin to “Mrs. Güzide Osman” in the library of Harvard University while pursuing the question of who “Güzide Hanım” was is the first stitch that weaves this book. Güzide Osman (1902-1974), one of the founders of the Women’s Union founded by Nezihe Muhittin in 1924, is mistakenly referred to as Güzide Sabri’s (1883-1945) pen name. Güzide through a Feminist Lens Güzide Bir Arayış seeks to understand how the histories of the two Güzides converge and diverge. On the one hand, while tracing Güzide Osman’s traces in the sources on the axis of feminist biography, it corrects Güzide Sabri’s biography, which is written with repeated errors, and on the other hand, based on her texts, it makes sense of Güzide Osman’s identities as a poet, story writer and theater critic on the axis of gender, illness, nationalism and humor. Particularly in romantic poetry and prose poems, as in divan poetry, she pays special attention to the neither masculine nor feminine (both masculine and feminine) discourse that “oscillates” between gender identities. Beyond presenting a feminist biography, she restores dignity, even personhood, to a woman writer and poet forgotten and forgotten by history.

Siyasi Düşünce Tarihi – Çok Kısa Bir Giriş (Application, 151 Pages)
Richard Whatmore
Barış Özkul (Translator)

Siyasi Düşünce Tarihi – Çok Kısa Bir Giriş (History of Political Thought – A Very Short Introduction) by Richard Whatmore is published by İletişim Yayınları. A useful guide, an essential resource for readers interested in political history and those who want to understand politics…

Why and how should we read political history? Are grand theories enough to understand politics? Why can’t we ignore history when evaluating politics?

Richard Whatmore assesses the relationship between theory and action, exploring the key questions, debates and criticisms that political history has faced and why they matter. He examines the approaches of theorists from Marx to Koselleck, Strauss to Foucault, Skinner to Pocock, and emphasizes how knowledge of history is essential for understanding contemporary politics.

History of Political Thought is a useful guide for readers interested in political history and those who want to understand politics.

Sahraaltı – Siyaset ve Yaşam (Reference, 352 Pages)
Volkan Ipek

Volkan İpek’s Sahraaltı – Siyaset ve Yaşam (Sub-Saharan Politics and Life) is published by İletişim Yayınları. İpek presents a detailed panorama of the African continent, which is mostly known by hearsay, in a wide range of areas ranging from one-man regimes to economic crises, civil wars and exploited riches.

Focusing on the political history of 49 sub-Saharan countries from their independence to the present day, Sub-Saharan – Politics and Life opens a completely different window on the African continent, which is mostly known by hearsay.

Volkan İpek presents a rich panorama of Sub-Saharan Africa, describing the historical development of individual countries from the moment they gained their independence to the present day and underlining their distinctive political characteristics: Colonialism-postcolonialism debates, civil wars, ongoing coups, exploited riches, corruption, economic crises, one-man regimes oscillating between tragedy and comedy…

A comprehensive overview to get to know the countries of sub-Saharan Africa better…

Kurgu Hedef Tahtasında – Edebiyatın Savunusu (Literary Criticism, 198 Pages)
Gregory Jusdanis
Çiçek Öztek (Translator)

Kurgu Hedef Tahtasında – Edebiyatın Savunusu (Fiction on Target – In Defense of Literature) by Gregory Jusdanis is published by İletişim Yayınları. In this work, which evaluates the place of art and literature in society from past to present from a broad perspective, Jusdanis makes a valuable contribution to the debate on the role of literature in society and the age.

Starting from the idea that the place and importance of art and literature in society has been questioned from the past to the present, Gregory Jusdanis examines how this questioning is shaped in our age, including technological possibilities. In The Target Board of Fiction, he not only shows the defense that each age has developed in the face of this questioning through examples, but also discusses how literature can defend itself against the attacks of our age. He bases this discussion on the idea that literature can be a separate art form and a part of society at the same time, suggesting not an aesthetic autonomy that ignores everything else, but perhaps a semi-autonomy. Of course, by emphasizing the indisputable importance of the distinction between fact and fiction…

A seminal look at the fundamental debate on the role of literature in society and the age…

oiktoz; is a culture and art initiative that sets out with the motto of plenty of culture and plenty of art. It is a living and developing community with a website, an art club, a magazine, a newsletter and many oiktoz people already in it. It is an organisation that is happy to be interested in culture and art and tells the stories of people who produce in this field in order for this happiness to continue.