Ece Taşan – On the Trail of Traces

Guest: Ece Taşan
Title of The Work: On the Trail of Traces
Original Title: İzlerin İzinde
Genre: Poetry

Some memories in front of my eyes,
In short,
Some sounds in my ear,
I squawked.
Some words in my mind,
Full of sadness, traces of the past.

Once filled with joy,
Old smiles that echo now.
Behind those we have lost,
Memories that leave a mark on our hearts.

When we look at the sky,
The stars tell their stories.
Secret feelings envelop me,
A longing that stretches into eternity.

Perhaps the traces will fade with time,
Memories fade with the passage of time.
But they always live in our hearts,
Those short, fleeting memories, those hoarse, hoarse voices,
And some of the words that are running through our minds.

I am an individual who prefers to express what I cannot speak by writing, who enjoys making sense of silences with long commas and periods. My pen, like a prison that can even hide screams, helps me open the doors of my own worlds by putting my emotions on paper. In short, I am a person of different worlds.