Doğukan Doğan – Whether You “Take” or “Throw” Love

Guest: Doğukan Doğan
Title of The Work: Whether You “Take” or “Throw” Love
Original Title: Aşk’ı İster “Al” İster “At”
Genre: Story

Once upon a time I loved someone too. I guessed that he also loved me, maybe I hoped so, I don’t know now. He offered to share his Life with me, but I found it risky and did not accept it, because I had shared many things before, but Life had never been among them. Even Love, it took me a long time to share it with someone else. Wasn’t it risky? Yes, it was. Was it a good outcome? Not really, but it was a good experience. But was life like that?

I had seen Dreams that multiplied as they were shared before, and I had been in them and both shared and multiplied them, but I had witnessed and was surprised that Life often collapsed when it was shared. It is even a bigger risk than Love, it is difficult to take. What made them take this risk? What made Life so meaningful, what added value to it? The answer was obvious, simple, and as effective as it was simple. The name of the thing that removed the suffix “-les” from the word “meaningless” that was the main character of Life and replaced it with the suffix “-le” was a 3-letter word called Love, like the suffix “-les”. Do not underestimate this word like that suffix. The 5-letter word Life is defeated by the power of a 3-letter word and becomes captive to it. Love is such a word, but this captivity did not last long and Life showed its power of 2 extra letters and killed Love later. Now don’t ask if we can’t put an 11-letter word like an encyclopaedia in front of life and defeat it. Some words are modest, they do not show power, they avoid fighting. In short, Life has the power of an epic with 5 letters.

That’s why I turned down the offer to share a Life offered to me, because he was a murderer and would kill Love one day. Instead I offered him to share our Dreams and he responded by leaving me. What was the difference between the words Life or Dream? First we would try the Dream with a high rate of happiness, if not, we would take the risk and take the first step to Life. Anyway; It was very difficult for me that she left me, that she broke the 3-letter Love for 1 letter, not what she told me.

Besides, Love; when it is first born, it feels spiritual hunger and over time it reaches saturation and becomes stronger. During this time, no one can come across it and Life knows this very well. That is why it waits and waits, but it does not sit idle, it is in the endeavour to reach material saturation. He knows that if he is going to defeat Love one day, he has to be in the strongest position materially. That’s why I have never liked this sneak lurking in ambush. I have always chosen Imagination, which does not defeat Love, but rather glorifies it. Love then gained more value and meaning. Maybe it couldn’t reach the power of an epic like the 5-letter Life, but a two-stanza Poem of a Poet fell to its share.

In short, I did not have a beautiful Love Life, I had a perfect Love Dream. What do you say? I think Love is beautiful when it is free. Just like our dreams that we don’t pay to build.

Doğukan Doğan, one of the poets whose poetry books have been downloaded nearly 100,000 times on Google Play and whose poems are read the most, appears before the readers with 5 poetry books he has written so far.