Dilay Dondurmacı – Hope

Guest: Dilay Dondurmacı
Title of The Work: Hope
Original Title: Umut
Genre: Poetry

Tired, weary, a little awkward,
I opened a window of life with my own truths.
There’s always a crowd around,
My eyes, always alone
They were looking for eyes that would understand them,
But nobody was really seeing it…
Sometimes with tears of happiness,
Sometimes I wet the streets of my heart with a flood of sadness
Then like a rainbow following the rain
I discovered the colors in me one by one…
But I wanted a pair of understanding eyes
Maybe there would be no need for the rains
I wouldn’t get used to discovering new colors…
But no, it’s better this way
Sometimes one has to abandon habits…
I didn’t like the waves
I always wanted to have a place…
To get away from hypocritical looks
Even a small place would have been enough…

"Everything is mortal, both the one who remembers and the one who is remembered." A person who likes to add something of himself to life from other branches of art as well as his musicianship...