Another Innovation from Can Yayınları: Can Gift Cards

With the slogan “Your favorite books are in this card!”, Can Yayınları offers its readers yet another innovation with its gift cards.

In 2022, Can Yayınları, which started online sales with its renewed website and offers many advantages to its readers with campaigns throughout the year, has prepared five different gift cards for those who want to gift books to their loved ones on special occasions and who are indecisive in choosing the book they want to gift.

The gift cards offered for sale on cover book purchases of 100 TL, 250 TL, 500 TL, 750 TL and 1000 TL. The cards, which are only valid for online purchases, can be used for purchases made through the website.

Stating that they will increase the advantages and card options offered by gift cards throughout the year, Can Yayınları Marketing Manager Ezgi Sağır said, “With our website, which we renewed in 2022, we aimed to provide our readers with an e-commerce service where they can easily access the books and authors they are looking for, with a user-friendly site interface and a fast and smooth shopping experience. We have realized this by supporting it with the campaigns we have made in the last year and the products we have developed specially for online.

Can Gift Cards are one of the innovations we have implemented for this purpose. Books are one of the most popular and preferred gifts, but we have just as much difficulty in choosing books. With this project, we say “Give Can Gift Cards to your loved ones, let them choose the books they want, and the selected books will be delivered to their addresses”. In the future, we aim to personalize these cards, offer personalized advantages and expand their scope through corporate collaborations.”


For detailed information:

oiktoz; is a culture and art initiative that sets out with the motto of plenty of culture and plenty of art. It is a living and developing community with a website, an art club, a magazine, a newsletter and many oiktoz people already in it. It is an organisation that is happy to be interested in culture and art and tells the stories of people who produce in this field in order for this happiness to continue.