Spring of Poets Izmir Literature Talk – The Image of Woman in Aziyade

On the occasion of March 8, International Women’s Day and this year’s Poets’ Spring, the theme of which is “Elegance”, Izmir French Cultural Center Library invites you to a conversation with literary critic and translator Ferda Fidan on Friday, March 8 at 18:30. The topic of the talk will be “The Image of Woman in Aziyade”, which will focus on the famous work of French writer Pierre Loti, whose 100th death anniversary will be commemorated in 2023.

Ferda Fidan’s talk will focus on Loti’s view of Turkish women through the character of Aziyadé. Although not devoid of Orientalist clichés, it is a very original vision.

Ferda Fidan’s talk will take place in Turkish at the Institut français Izmir on Friday, March 8, 2024 at 18.30.

Ferda Fidan

He studied at the Institute of Political Studies and the University of Grenoble. Interpreter-translator for the Court of Appeal of Grenoble (1988-1992) Since 1992, teacher of Modern Literature at the Académie de Versailles. Literary translator (Turkish/French).


Les trois sentinelles, Aziz Nesin, Le Monde du 20 février 1984.
Yaban, Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu, UNESCO, 1989.
L’Hôtel de la Mère Patrie, Yusuf Atılgan, Solin, 1992.
L’Atlas des continents brumeux, Ihsan Oktay Anar, Actes Sud, 2001.
Amer Savoir, Enis Batur, Actes Sud, 2002.
Traité de mécanique, Ihsan Oktay Anar, Actes Sud, 2004.
La Pomme, Enis Batur, Actes Sud, 2004.
Mani est vivant, Özdemir Ince, Éd. Al Manar, 2006 (Prix de poésie Max Jacob).
Ankara, Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu, Éd. Turquoise, 2008.
D’Autres chemins, Enis Batur, Actes Sud, 2008.
Je me prends pour une sorte d’oiseau, Enis Batur, Libération du 10 mai 2008
Le Tyran et le Poète, Özdemir Ince, Le Temps des cerises, 2009.
Istanbul était un conte, Mario Levi, Ed. Sabine Wespieser, 2011.
Encyclopédie personnelle, Enis Batur, Actes Sud, 2011
Histoire de la littérature turque du XIXe siècle, A. H. Tanpınar, Actes Sud/Sindbad, 2012
Le Sultan de Byzance, Selçuk Altun, Galaade, 2013
Le Renard, Enis Batur, in Écrivains de Turquie, Galaade, 2013
Nuit d’absinthe, Ayfer Tunç, Galaade, 2013
L’homme désœuvré, Yusuf Atılgan, Actes Sud, 2014
Une Enfance turque, Bleu autour, 2016
À quoi bon la révolution si je ne peux danser, Ece Temelkuran, JC Lattès, 2016
Les Gilets de sauvetage, Özdemir Ince, L’Harmattan, 2020
Trois chambres, une caserne, Şule Türker, L’Harmattan, 2021
Un rire d’opéra suivi des Cinquante moèmes primeur pour la jeunesse, Özdemir Ince, L’Harmattan, 2022
Vie et poésie, Metin Cengiz, L’Harmattan, 2023

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