Metin Abay – Faith…

Guest: Metin Abay
Title of The Work: Faith…
Original Title: İnanç…
Genre: Prose Writing

To believe…

This is not a religious message…

From past to present, experienced, felt, supernatural events, etc. Whatever you call it, faith, hope, karma, energy, this is a constant state of expectation that tires a person’s mind and self. You start asking yourself… Devamını Oku…

Hümeyra Bilge Şen – Bring Your Name

Guest: Hümeyra Bilge Şen
Title of The Work: Bring Your Name
Original Title: Adını Sen Getir
Genre: Prose Writing

I sit in front of the doner shop, watching the meat being slaughtered and the people who slaughter me pass by.

About thirty people have passed through the street, thirty different stories. I always do this, I always put other people’s stories in front of my own. I write more painful stories for them, I want to prove to myself that I am not the one who suffers the most. But in vain, does everyone enjoy this life we call a stopover? They do, watching a movie makes you happy, kissing your lover, holding your mother’s hand tightly or laughing with your friends. Devamını Oku…

Ahmet Zeki Yeşil – Oh Leyla…

Guest: Ahmet Zeki Yeşil
Title of The Work: Oh Leyla…
Original Title: Ah Leyla Ah…
Genre: Prose Writing

Oh Leyla… Blood stains in my heart, the smell of roses in my nostrils. Trouble burned, water ignited. To make a long story short, my situation is very delicate Leyla. Whenever my sleep is interrupted, I know it’s you. Don’t touch me or I’ll cry! I’m good if I write you, bad if I don’t. I use your name in a sentence and it becomes a poem. A whole sky fits in your eyes, I fly a seven-colored kite. I found you, I got rid of my troubles, you’re my outfit. Please, let’s leave everything aside, let’s not break down. Devamını Oku…

Doğukan Doğan – Breakups Pregnant with Beginnings

Guest: Doğukan Doğan
Title of The Work: Breakups Pregnant with Beginnings
Original Title: Başlangıçlara Gebe Ayrılıklar
Genre: Story

“Every separation leads to a new beginning and every beginning leads to a new separation.
No matter how much we don’t want it, unavoidable reasons will lead to an unwanted sadness,
And sad speeches to teary eyes.
You’ll say it was the wrong time, the wrong person.
Yet it won’t be the answer your poor haughty heart wants…
You are still big in my small eyes and I am still a small silhouette in your big heart.
I hope one day to shrink in your words and grow in your eyes…”

He was writing these lines on a corner of the paper, the tip of which was yellowed due to spilled tea. Devamını Oku…