We have compiled five novels that can be considered within the scope of the magical realism movement and will help us understand this movement better.
Author Museums You Can Visit in Istanbul
Would you like to learn more about the authors whose books you read with pleasure, see the typewriters they wrote their books on, look at their family photos, witness their memories in the house where they lived?
We have created a very nice list for those who want to… Let’s see…
Interesting Writing Habits of Authors
Have you ever wondered what the habits of writers are in their writing adventure?
We know that every writer has a different writing adventure. Trying to express the world of your dreams with words, weaving a text is of course an admirable endeavour. In this endeavour, each writer can develop his/her own unique method. Or they may follow similar routines such as writing a certain number of words every day. We have compiled the habits of some writers in the writing process for you. Devamını Oku…
5 Places Where You Can Read a Book Without Distraction
Recommended, try it…
I will take you to places of peace and blessed silence. You will enjoy being away from the noise and chaos that disturbs you while reading, contemplating or working quietly. This content is prepared for everyone who loves silence and peace. I will take you to 5 places that are the indispensable address of those who seek calmness. Devamını Oku…