Iletisim Publications 16 February 2024 Publication Schedule

İletişim Publishing introduced the books to be published on February 16, 2024.

Drakula (Dracula)
Bram Stoker
Murat Başekim (Translator)

Drakula by Bram Stoker is added to İletişim Classics, a series of İletişim Classics enriched with forewords, epilogues, author-period chronology and images related to the book. Describing the world of vampires and vampire hunters, this work is among the masterpieces of horror literature…

Murat Başekim translation,
Foreword by Franco Moretti,
Author and period chronology,
With images from the book.

Drakula is a masterpiece of horror literature that depicts the terrifying dream-like world of vampires and vampire hunters in every detail.

After a business trip to Transylvania, Jonathan Harker, a legal advisor, finds himself and those around him in a terrifying chain of events. During the tense days he spends in Castle Drakula, he struggles to cope with women with supernatural powers and Count Dracula, who grows more and more bizarre at night. When he escapes and returns to England, the unimaginable events unfold in waves. It is realized that Harker and his friends are trapped in a vampire spiral, and this small group, led by Dr. Van Helsing, embarks on a relentless struggle.

Bram Stoker is certainly not the inventor of vampire literature, but it is indisputable that he transformed and redefined the genre with Drakula.

“Stoker gives us marvelous scenes of horror; they are unforgettable, and no movie has ever done them justice.”

Cennetteki İlk Günüm Bir Tık Daha İyi Olabilirdi (My First Day in Heaven Could Have Been One Click Better)
Sezen Ünlüönen

Sezen Ünlüönen is one of the remarkable young writers of our contemporary literature. Her new novel, Cennetteki İlk Günüm Bir Tık Daha İyi Olabilirdi, is published by İletişim Publishing. This novel of Ünlüönen, who tells an absurd-comic story with her unique language, is also a candidate to attract attention, just like the Kıymetli Şeylerin Tanzimi and İmtiyaz, yahut Cici Kızlara Bir Roman

Things in paradise are unfathomable. There is an unfair situation that no one knows the secret of, but everyone is aware of it

Cennetteki İlk Günüm Bir Tık Daha İyi Olabilirdi is a brilliant satire on middle-class cynicism in today’s Turkey.

Sezen Ünlüönen tells an absurd-comic story by making the language of the new-youth a part of her style. She puts a lens on the spirit of the time with an allegorical narrative.

“Don’t listen to me talk so loosely now, but I still felt a shiver down my spine as I traveled step by step across the Bridge of Sira on the backs of the rams that my late grandmother slaughtered every holiday. I recited three Kulhu and one Alham as I remember from my childhood, but when I reached the other side and found myself in the reception area of paradise, I took a deep sigh of relief.”

Ethem Baran

Köhne, the new novel of Ethem Baran, one of the strong writers of our literature, is published by İletişim Publishing. In this novel about the intertwined lives of people living in a village in Central Anatolia, Baran leaves his readers with a vivid and authentic novel.

Intertwined lives in a Central Anatolian village where the little ones cannot smoke in the presence of their elders, where they are beaten by anyone and scolded if they are teenagers. Ankara is a place that must be visited eventually…

Slum houses, dreams that poverty does not let pass, babies whose bellies are not full, sons who are copies of their fathers, child mothers who entertain their siblings with Keloğlan tales… Families, relatives, neighbors entangled like the roots of a tree…

Köhne is a vivid and authentic novel that wanders the winding paths of life, reminding us with every line how skillful Ethem Baran is in narration.

“This is how humanity shows itself, brother. Humanity hides under small things. You look for it elsewhere. It is right in front of your eyes, you don’t see it. Of course you don’t see it if you don’t know how to look. You will know where to look for humanity. You will know who is human and who is not.”

Mükemmel Duyu: Burnunuzu Asla Küçümsemeyin (The Perfect Sense: Never Underestimate Your Nose)
Anna D’Errico
Nilay Kanarya (Translator)

Iletisim Publishing publishes Mükemmel Duyu by Anna D’Errico. Based on the idea that our sense of smell, unlike our other senses, is underappreciated, this book not only draws attention to the importance of this sense, but also offers opportunities to reflect on our relationships with smell.

Smell is often treated as a “stepchild” compared to our other senses. If we think in terms of daily routines, it is obvious that not being able to see, for example, would create greater obstacles, but as we remember from the pandemic times, the loss of the sense of smell was a serious problem among many other problems, but it was not given much importance.

Anna D’Errico’s Mükemmel Duyu discusses the stepchild status of the nose by meticulously revealing its physical structure. On the other hand, it touches upon the nose’s intertwining with memories, its connection with taste, the journey that the smell of toast, for example, takes one on a journey through memories, and the association of that smell with a place or event. He also takes into account the social role of smell.

This is an examination that appeals to everyone who is interested in bad and pleasant smells, who is curious about why we smell what we smell, who encounters the science of smell for the first time, who has already been introduced to this science, perhaps through a passion or a whim, and who wants to learn more.

“I propose an exploratory journey through the capabilities of our nose and olfactory intelligence in order to understand how and why this sense, which has been erased and treated the worst, is at the same time the most intimate and the most violent. The aim is to give you an overview of what happens, for example, when we smell something, and to explain in simple terms, in the light of the latest scientific research, some facts that we may encounter in everyday life.”


Meşrutiyet’ten Cumhuriyet’e: Tarih, Toplum ve Siyaset (Constitutional Monarchy to the Republic: History, Society and Politics)
Erik Jan Zürcher
Turgay Sivrikaya (Translator)

İletişim Yayınları publishes Erik Jan Zürcher’s Meşrutiyet’ten Cumhuriyet’e (Constitutional Monarchy to the Republic), a book that brings together his comparative and detailed essays on the period from the late Ottoman period to the early years of the Republic. An essential reference for academics, students, and readers interested in history and Turkey’s current affairs.

Erik Jan Zürcher’s Meşrutiyet’ten Cumhuriyet’e is a collection of essays that can serve as a basis for a deep understanding of almost every topic of debate in modern Turkey. It provides a comparative and detailed analysis of the period from the late Ottoman Empire to the early years of the Republic, enriching discussions on historiography and enabling us to understand the specificities, continuities and ruptures.

It is a work that will appeal to professional historians and students as well as to all readers who are preoccupied with Turkey’s contemporary issues.

“When we see Ottoman and Turkish history as part of the history of the revolutions that preceded the First World War, or as part of the history of the collapse of empires and the anti-imperialist struggle, the events make sense and we are freed from the exceptionalism that has dominated Turkish historiography for so long.”

Sosyofobi: Dijital Ütopya Çağında Siyasal Değişim (Sociophobia: Political Change in the Age of Digital Utopia)
César Rendueles
Alev Türker Ok (Translator)

Sosyofobi: Dijital Ütopya Çağında Siyasal Değişim, written by César Renduele, is presented to the readers by İletişim Yayınları. Renduele argues that contrary to expectations, communication technologies limit social reality and cooperation instead of enhancing it, and questions the reality of technology’s claims for a solution based on the social destruction caused by neoliberalism.

Are communication technologies a means to overcome the problems left over from modernity, or are they just another form of perpetuating the domination of capital through new means? For a long time, innovations in communication technology were seen as a utopian element that could positively change social life. The European left in particular has insisted that technology in general, and the internet in particular, paves the way for an egalitarian reconstruction of economic and political conditions.

César Rendueles argues that, contrary to expectations, communication technologies have limited rather than enhanced social reality and cooperation. Challenging the widespread belief that solidarity and traditional community relations are redundant, Sociophobia questions the reality of technology’s claims to be the solution, drawing on the social destruction wrought by neoliberalism. On the other hand, skeptical of the cyber utopian approach that juxtaposes technological advances with the perspective of an egalitarian future, the author questions new social possibilities through the example of the Spanish 15-M movement against austerity policies and examines the dimensions of the social reaction to cyber fetishism.

“In fact, the social euphoria generated by digital communication tools is unfounded, decorative. It does nothing to promote what our common existence is supposed to promote, namely our care for each other. The same goes for egalitarianism 2.0, the feeling that social difference is minimized on the Net. Radical democracy is not a universal customer-service line. If you stop and think about it, this is a bit absurd.”

oiktoz; is a culture and art initiative that sets out with the motto of plenty of culture and plenty of art. It is a living and developing community with a website, an art club, a magazine, a newsletter and many oiktoz people already in it. It is an organisation that is happy to be interested in culture and art and tells the stories of people who produce in this field in order for this happiness to continue.