“Godard Through the Eyes of Georges Pierre” Photography Exhibition

In conjunction with the retrospective dedicated to Jean-Luc Godard, the Institut français Turkey and the Cinematheque/Sinema House are coming together to present some of the most spectacular images from Godard’s films. The central figure of the French New Wave and one of the most remarkable figures in the history of the 7th art, Godard is known for pushing the boundaries of traditional cinema…

Georges Pierre is one of the most important photographers of the world of cinema, and especially of the New Wave directors. The photographer travelled through the preparation rooms and film sets to document what was going on behind the scenes and to witness the New Wave, which became one of the revolutions of its genre.

Georges Pierre is a multi-award-winning film photographer. He began his career in cinema as an actor, but when “Elle” magazine asked him to immortalise film shoots in a “series”, his passion for photography overcame his desire to be on screen. He perfectly captured the most natural moments and authenticity of the greatest films of the New Wave. Testifying to the creative and innovative spirit of this period, his numerous photographs shed light on the work of Jean-Luc Godard and how he challenged the conventional rules of cinema.

The exhibition also emphasises the role of set photographers. Despite being taken outside the film scenes, their photographs manage to convey the spirit of the film in a single frame. In an era before digital technology, set photographers played an important role by not only documenting the shoots but also producing images for the promotion of the film. Georges Pierre is the creator of legendary photographs that marked a generation of French filmmakers.


Jean-Luc Godard (1930-2022)

Godard was a cinema enthusiast, but also a critic, writer, provocateur, ideologue and revolutionary, guerrilla chief of the sets; one of his admirers, Susan as Sontag says, “a conscious destroyer of cinema”. He is a filmmaker who has been spewing aphorisms that have been the source of countless quotes for years: “All you need to make a film is a girl and a gun”, “Cinema is reality at 24 frames per second”, “Every story should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarily in that order”… When we look at the prominent filmmakers of the last 50 years, it is difficult to mention someone who has not been influenced by him. As one of the most important artists of the last century, he had a great impact on social culture.


The exhibition is open to visitors from 2 October to 9 December.


Institut français:
Monday to Saturday: 10:00-18:00

Cinematheque/Cinema House:
Weekdays except Monday: 10:00 – 20:00
Weekends: 10:00 – 18.30


Entrance is free, visit is free of charge.

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