Directed by Women Turkey: Short Film Screenings and Talks

Directed by Women Turkey invites you to meet 6 short films from Turkish and French female directors with its special selection on March 8, International Working Women’s Day. The screenings will continue with interviews with Turkish female directors.


– This Place Is Not For You, Ceyda Asar
– Something Everyone Can Do, Selen Örcan
– A different age, Beril Tan
-Hominicid, Floriane N’Guyen Van Meo
– Les princes, Camille Hamet
– Nudebout, Caroline Hallier

Total: 102′ minutes

Movies; It will be shown in Turkish and French with English subtitles on Monday, March 11, at 19:00, at the Institut français show hall. The screening is free, registration is required.

oiktoz; is a culture and art initiative that sets out with the motto of plenty of culture and plenty of art. It is a living and developing community with a website, an art club, a magazine, a newsletter and many oiktoz people already in it. It is an organisation that is happy to be interested in culture and art and tells the stories of people who produce in this field in order for this happiness to continue.