Traditions or Loved Ones?: A Regular Woman (2019)

Some of you may remember the incident or have seen it in the media. Aynur, a young woman shot by her brother in the street. Aynur’s story meets the audience in 2009 with the title “An Ordinary Woman”. The movie is a great work that tells Aynur’s story in a documentary style with real images in some places. Director Sherry Hormann shows the audience her journey of finding herself step by step with a grave death.

I have to say that I loved the first scene of the movie, I rewound and rewound.

I could have been this woman or this woman or this woman, but this is me, a woman whose dreams and life were ended by an honor killing by her brother lying on the ground, who knows if you won’t be like this tomorrow, if you come from my culture, and if you don’t, don’t be surprised, we love our traditions, not our relatives.

Aynur is one of the 9 children of a Sunni-Kurdish family who migrated to Germany from Erzurum in the 70s. Her family, strictly adhering to their traditions, married her off to her cousin at a very young age and she started living in Istanbul. But the physical and psychological violence she suffered forced her to return to her family in Germany. How could Aynur have known that while fleeing from violence, she would be caught in even more brutal ones?

The story is very familiar, which part of this country does not experience the oppression of tradition. A learned helplessness passed down through generations. Traditions or our loved ones? Aynur was just a young mother who wanted to go her own way, and while she was going her own way, she never left the family she loved, she did not want to break her ties with her family. Maybe if she had run away to another country, the outdated traditions would not have been the end of her. The price of the bright path was his life.

There is nothing good in the movie, maybe if it was really just a movie, the screenwriter could have gone for the good, in real life, especially if you are a woman, especially if you live in a family that is in the grip of political Islam, terror in your hair, terror in your living, terror in your breathing, even your breathing is a sin!

But Aynur’s path full of sins is her desire to live life in her own way. Let everyone live their lives in their own way, don’t interfere so that only pure sinless people like you can enter that place called heaven. If you are the ones who truly belong there.



Release Date: May 9, 2019
Original Name: Die Frau auf der Straße
Also Known As: Nur eine Frau
Duration: 90min
imdb: 7.6
Genre: Drama, Crime
Director: Sherry Hormann
Screenwriter: Florian Öller
Production: 2019Germany
Producer: Rolf Bergmann, Marc Brasse