Interpreting Contemporary Art for Youth Project: Teneffüs

The event, titled Teneffüs (Recess), aims to provide participants with an environment where they can breathe and get away from the chaos of life through contemporary art’s embrace of freedom and openness to development. Based on the peer education model, the project coordinators will interpret two works from Arter’s current exhibitions in the exhibition space with young people between the ages of 15-18.

Teneffüs is an interpretative project and no knowledge or experience is required for participation.

The event will take place on Saturday, March 23, 2024, 13:00 at Arter. The language is Turkish.

Participation is free and requires registration. Please send an e-mail to to register for the event.

Capacity: 15 people
Age Group: 15-18
Approx. Time: 45 minutes*

* Event duration may vary according to the content shared by the participants.

oiktoz; is a culture and art initiative that sets out with the motto of plenty of culture and plenty of art. It is a living and developing community with a website, an art club, a magazine, a newsletter and many oiktoz people already in it. It is an organisation that is happy to be interested in culture and art and tells the stories of people who produce in this field in order for this happiness to continue.