Ahmet Erkam Saraç’s First Book; “Battığımız Bataklar”, Published by Can Yayınları

About the quagmires we sink into and don’t want to get out of…

Somewhere far away, some men were raining bullets down on a big bald lonely man, and some bad guys were about to end a girl’s life. Sevil on the floor, me in my chair, our hands helplessly at our sides. I looked at the screen. It was red with blood. Then I saw a man fall to the floor, heard a thin moan and a text appeared on the screen: “Play again.”

“Shall we play again, Sevil?” I whispered.

Ahmet Erkam Saraç writes stories in which life breathes. He tells about the swamps of broken families, toxic relationships, abandoned children, irreplaceable losses. These are the quagmires where some sink deeper as they struggle to get out, and some don’t even realize they have reached the bottom.

Battığımız Bataklar is a brave first book that reveals the different faces of pain as tangible as possible, without filtering or hiding them.


AHMET ERKAM SARAÇ was born in Istanbul in 1988 and graduated from Bilkent University, Department of Economics. He worked in different fields in the finance sector for a while. He currently works as a freelancer and gives trainings in the field of economics. His stories were published in magazines such as Sözcükler, Trendeki Yabancı, Öykü Gazetesi. She lives in Ankara. She has a daughter named Azra.



Book Title: Battığımız Bataklar
Author: Ahmet Erkam Saraç
Publisher: Can Publishing
Series: Contemporary
Genre: Story
Number of Pages: 80

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