How Many of Us are There Really?: Aşk Hikayen Düşmüş (2022)

How many people believe in love?

I’ll say “me” but I don’t know if it’s sincere.

As we say, “I watched a film yesterday, my life changed”, and it really did. First of all, I would like to thank my dear friend Buket for inviting me to this play.

How much do you love yourself?

Another sentence that has lost its meaning, that has fallen victim to popularism, that we can never get to the bottom of.

Aşk Hikayen Düşmüş, how you slapped us in the face with our own depth that we have lost.

No, sir, does anything happen when one watches a film? Does life change? Oh dear, is it possible to love yourself? Here’s another reality for you, Mrs Yasemin.

Yes, I was a bit of a moustache at the time, I became more moderate afterwards. Yesterday I hit a wall in the game, people are laughing and I’m crying. And how is it, Ms. Yasemin, the little girl inside me has just risen to power, she’s making fun of me. You shouldn’t throw your words in the air so casually!

Fatih has a line in the play, he holds a fireball in his hand and asks:

What should I do to the person who speaks beautifully for love? Should I burn my past?” Then he adds,

Don’t burn your past! How else will you build your future!

I will continue the rest of the article without being too unfair to myself…

Not everything happens all of a sudden… What I’ve experienced so far, what I’ve felt, my marvellous walls brought me here and took me to the game. So there was a substructure.

The time for some depths, good or bad, was yesterday. I remember something dreamlike from last night and after what I remembered, I made the following sentence “My dear self!” Well, of course, I had made big sentences for this expression at the time.

How many of us are there who really underline this?

What the hell is this populist culture, it’s on everyone’s lips.

One me is judgemental, the other me is more docile, the other me is credited from life, another one is full of love.

How many of us are there in this life? How many me’s are there in us? Which one of them do we hold by accusing them every time? Which one do we silence by not listening? Maybe the right question is: Which one do we know exactly?


Were you going to love yourself dear Ayça when you set out on your own path? You let everyone in except yourself, and you always put yourself in the doorway like a guest…

Again Fatih says: “Why did we fail to love? We killed each other while loving…

So how many of us really lived our love by staying in the moment, while we thought we loved… The little boy inside me says don’t say big big words again. Did you know what the depth was that you couldn’t live it? He’s right! I guess we can’t know that depth we haven’t seen or felt.

I’ll leave one more question: “How many of us have loved the way we felt inside?”

I took myself, whom I met yesterday and forgot for a long time, and hit the road. Of course I came to the island, but not Heybeli. (Only those who went to the play will understand this part)

I’m on Kınalıada. I’m sitting in a marvellous cafe called İki Kapı. There’s a very cool female manager. I follow the sun, she’s sitting in the middle of the road.

Fatih says again, “I’m neither from here nor have anywhere to go.

OK, OK, Mrs Ayça, that was the last line.

I won’t talk about the arrows you said for love and stabbed me with. I’ll leave them to your dream partners who came to your game.

Yes, that’s enough. Now that I’ve spilled my guts, let me praise the play and rant a little.

The play was very good, what I have to say is so deep and concise…

Please go and watch it, a game where everything is done in such a flavour is very rare nowadays.

By the way, are you confused? I can hear you saying, “What the hell has she been talking about?” If I confused you, it means I’m on the right track. It is a play about our confusions, our disappearances, what we thought was right and how we learn patience with impatience and who our soul mate actually is.

Aşk Hikayen Düşmüş is a play that expertly explains that the jokes and swear words that have been captured by popular culture are not humour at all, the inner me that is afraid to go deeper and where to stop.

And Mrs Ayça, Mr Fatih, what kind of acting was that? Mrs Ayca, and that voice!

We both laughed and cried. I was in the midst of mixed emotions, but I came out of the play with myself so that today I threw myself, my chair and my computer in the middle of the road and started writing.

All the couples came out of the play hugging each other, I said to myself that I hope your awareness will last forever. I saw the loners coming to their senses and saying “Why don’t we love our loneliness?”.

I said to dear Ayça and Fatih and to myself; come on, love yourself and your loneliness first. Good luck to you…

Have a good time, dream partners.

See you in another review, forgive us if we have offended you. Public Arena presented.



Year of First Performance: 2022
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Written by: Ahmet Sami Özbudak
Directed by: Emrah Eren
Cast: Ayça Koyunoğlu, Fatih Koyunoğlu
Decor and Costume Design: Merve Yörük
Lighting Design: Uğur Aksu
Music: Deniz Bayrak
Poster Design: Ethem Onur Bilgiç
Game Photos: Emre Mollaoğlu
Assistant Director: Ahmet Balta
Reji Assistant: Delal Yıldırım
Stage Manager: Yasemin İşcan
Social Media and Communication: Emirhan Savaş

She reads for herself, travels for herself, watches for herself and scribbles for herself. She also shares it with you as the People's Arena. She was born 34 years ago in a small village and those were the best times of her life. I guess she has been searching for herself since she fell into the big city. While searching, she has accumulated a lot of stories. Now it's time to write...