You can contact us via for questions, comments, suggestions and collaborations.

You can also send your literary writings such as stories, poems, novels, essays, etc. to and take part in our “Guest” column. Your articles will be analysed by our editors and will be published on our website if they are found to be in accordance with our editorial policy. In addition, articles are selected from our guest column for “oiktoz dergi” published every two months. All submitted articles will be returned positively or negatively, and you will be notified separately for the articles selected for the magazine.

When sending your articles to the subject heading; Guest: Please write your name and surname – Name of your article – Type of your article. Articles sent in different subject headings will not be taken into consideration. You can send your articles in word file, in the font and font you want.

In addition; If you say that I want to be an oiktozlu by writing regular articles on and benefit from oiktoz privileges, let’s take you here.

Note: You can send your current news, bulletins, announcements and promotions to our address to be published in the Agenda section.

Hope to see you one day somewhere to talk about literature and art…

Stay with lots of culture and lots of art…

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